It's sad that the air is the only
thing we share.
No matter how close we get to each other,
there is always air between us.

It's also nice that we share the air.
No matter how far apart we are,
the air links us.
Bolsas de plástico y texto vinilado. 2018.

En un breve texto presentado por Yoko Ono en 1967, Air Talk, la artista comparte una idea tan aparentemente sencilla como compleja: el aire como espacio común y compartido, como vínculo entre lugares más o menos lejanos, o como nexo entre los propios individuos, sin importar la distancia entre ellos.

Atendiendo a esta idea, la pieza presenta el poema como un guiño, juego o conversación diminuta entre dos espacios de aire contenidos y aislados entre sí.

air talk

Plastic bags and printed text. 2018.

In Air Talk, a short text presented by Yoko Ono in 1967, the artist shares an idea as simple as complex: the air as a common and shared space, as a link between more or less remote places, or as a nexus among individuals, regardless of the distance between them.

Attending to this idea, the presents the poem as a tiny and intimate game or conversation between two isolated air spaces.

air talk

los diminutos